Sorry, I have been MIA. I have been doing alot of research on the business (or businesses) I am thinking of starting. Add to that a major L growth spurt and I have essentially been either engrossed in research or tied to a nursing baby.
One thing this week - had my second ever panic attack. The first one was at Kinder roundup at the local public elementary, and the second was in Walmart on Sunday, Kindergarten supply list in hand, battling it out with the other moms for the last 6-pack of glue sticks. I have issues, major major issues. And, damn, why do I have to spend so much money supplying a class that my tax dollars are supposed to cover - a sack of paper plates; seriously? Two rolls of paper towels; really? Construction paper for everyone to share; come on!!!!
Eventhough we have decided to let S attend the Science Academy he was accepted into, he has asked to also be homeschooled, so we will be doing afterschooling on the subjects he either won't get or won't get in depth, as well as extra practice in subjects he does get. X is very upset that S is going without him, so I will be doing much more homeschooling with him than I had previously planned. Most pre-K and K but very light heartedly because he is like me - if he doesn't think get something perfect the first time he freezes and doesn't want to try (sorry sweatheart, my paralyzing perfectionism and self-doubt were not traits I wanted to pass on to anyone). I will post our new schedule once I figure it out.
L needs me again, so gotta go. And, as I said on my Facebook account, I am saddened by the fact that there is absolutely no sexual connotation to the thought of having my boobs in someone's mouth all night. One day they will be purely decorative again, but for now their true function is answering the call of the distress call of the hungry boobie bird.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bad, blogger! Bad, Bad, Blogger!
Posted by Jennifer at 10:04 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
L's 5-month stats
So, I finally took L to a doctor to get her vaccinations. She has been extremely healthy and I didn't want to take her to a doctor during the swine flu scare, and then, well, I just haven't done it. So, the kids and I packed up, drove to the docs and she got a check up. She is wonderfully healthy, and had a great time until the shots - at which point she looked at me with the most betrayed look I have ever seen. We came home and she slept for 4 hours, but when she woke up she forgave me.
Her stats:
Height - somewhere between 27 and 28 inches. She kept moving her leg and so we took the only measurement we could get accurately (which was 27inches) but the nurse thinks she may be taller. SO, that is somewhere between the 97th and 100th percentile.
Weight - she weighs about 15lbs 8ozs. That puts her somewhere around the 60th percentile.
So, based on those two measurements, looks like she will have X's body type - tall and thin. S and C are very proportional in height/weight - his height and weight have always been the same percentile and C is always about the same with weight being higher than height.
Her head is 16inches, which puts her in the 20th percentile - I find this funny because the boys always had big heads (with percentiles higher than weight or height). Guess we'll just see how big her head gets.
Posted by Jennifer at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sorry for the absence
Yikes, it has been a long time, eh? The last two weeks have been crazy.
On Saturday the 11th, X went to his first Batizado for capoeira and received his first ranking cord. It was incredible to watch the advanced students and Mestres play, and I was thrilled that X was able to participate. We were also happy for our friends JR and KR who also got cords. P-Daddy wants to take capoeira up so he can do handstands and bounce up and down on one hand.
Sunday was S's birthday and we had a Star Wars-themed party for him with homemade lightsabers (note to self: arming masses of children with weapons results in absurd amounts of chaos), lightsaber decorated cake and tons of fun.
On Tuesday, baby Martyn was born to our friends Jac and Joanna. Can't wait to see him! Then on Friday, baby Charlotte (Charlie) was born to our friends Kris and Brandon. Welcome to both of them. On the same day an old friend of mine (Max from CEGEP) became an uncle for the first time to little Laila (another L name).
Also, we found out that S got accepted into Harmony Science Academy - a magnet school in our district that has very strict academics and a concentration on science, math and reading. I was very conflicted because I was looking forward to homeschooling him, but he asked to try it out. He also said that he still wants to be homeschooled and do all the fun things we planned, so our educational journey has gone from homeschooling to afterschooling. I will probably concentrate on things he won't get in school (or only a little of) like history, geography, languages in the earlu grades like Latin and Greek, art and music history, and then just extra practice in literature, math, science, vocabulary, spelling and handwriting.
Thursday, I threw a Tutu party. A bunch of us moms got together and made tutus. It was a hoot and the little ladies got some pretty tutus.
Then Saturday, S and P-Daddy went out for S's birthday treat - lunch, movie and toy shopping. I have been spending my time coming up with business proposal for what I want to do once my stupid cheque from the moving company gets here (anyone else think 5 weeks is a little much to wait for a cheque?)
Posted by Jennifer at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Homeschool Tuesday - learning when you are sick
Spencer and Xavier have been working their way through Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, but they are finding the early lessons too easy and we are going through several in one sitting. However we have been struck down with a fever that is going around so formal lessons have stopped until the kids are all well. While they are not up to par, they are watching theLeap Frog DVDs (which I cannot recommend highly enough) in place of reading lessons,
Zaboomafoo for nature study and
Magic School Bus DVDs for science.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Menu Monday
Sorry this is late - we lost Internet, cable and phone last evening for about 4hrs - I think due to the "storm".
Monday - Israeli Couscous with Pesto, almonds, onions and honey goat cheese.
Tuesday - Roasted Veggies with Italian seasoned Barley (I found a bunch of great squashes and peppers at a roadside veggie stand)
Wednesday - Split Pea soup with homemade bread
Thursday - Mexican-inspired Lasagna
Friday - Quinoa, Avocado, cranberry wraps
Saturday - Tacos (veggie crumbles, guacamole, tomatoes, onions, salsa, cheese, sour cream)
Sunday - Spencer's B-Day with a party during the day so if we want to eat dinner after the party is over I will have veggie hotdogs and regular hotdogs - I'm guessing we won't actually be eating dinner.
As you can see there are two carry over meals from last week.
Posted by Jennifer at 8:49 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Listlist Sunday
What I Hate About Texas in July
1) It's hot, fucking hot!
2) see item 1
Posted by Jennifer at 3:03 PM 3 comments